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Low-energy excitations in glasses: Universal statistics, localization and the boson peak
Speaker Prof. Eran BouchbinderAffiliation Speaker Weizmann InstituteTime 4:30 PM - 5:30 PMSeries MPI-PKS ColloquiumLocation MPI-PKSDescription Glassy systems exhibit various universal anomalies compared to their crystalline counterparts, manifested in their vibrational, thermodynamic, transport and strongly dissipative…//DataSpaces- Spannende Datenwissenschaft. Expedition in die Welt der Daten für die ganze Familie
Speaker Team of Interactive Science Lab (ISL) of CIDSAffiliation Speaker CIDS - Center for Interdisciplinary Science; ISLTime 2:00 PM - 3:00 PMLocation Foyer TUDDescriptionDaten sind überall! Sie stecken in deinem Smartphone, in deinem Lieblingsvideospiel und sogar in der Wettervorhersage. Aber was genau sind Daten eigentlich? Und wie können wir sie…
Hands-On Demonstrator: #8 Magic Mirror
Speaker Johannes HäfnerAffiliation Speaker ScaDS.AI Dresden/LeipzigTime 3:00 PM - 4:00 PMSeries ScaDS.AI Hands-on DemonstratorLocation Foyer TUD Andreas-Pfitzmann-BauDescription The Magic Mirror is an interactive system that allows users to try on clothes virtually. By combining image and voice processing, users can select items of clothing and see them…240. Dresdner Zoologisches Kolloquium
Speaker Frederik Albrecht, Dr. Martin PäckertAffiliation Speaker Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen DresdenTime 5:00 PM - 6:00 PMLocation 01109 Dresden, Königsbrücker Landstr. 159 - Vortragsraum AndereDescription „Population genomics of the partridge
(Perdix perdix) in Saxony: A story of genetic
impoverishment and extinction? “
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