Micro-/Nanorobots for Minimally-invasive Surgery
- Datum
- 01.02.2024
- Zeit
- 13:00 - 15:00
- Sprecher
- Tian Qiu
- Zugehörigkeit
- German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), TU Dresden
- Serie
- TUD nanoSeminar
- Sprache
- en
- Hauptthema
- Medizin
- Andere Themen
- Medizin
- Host
- Arezoo Dianat
- Beschreibung
- Micro-/nanorobots hold tremendous potential for minimally-invasive medicine, as they can navigate biological environments under wireless powering and control. To reach the target location in the body, one major challenge is to penetrate dense soft tissues. In this talk, I will discuss several ways for micro-/nanorobots to penetrate the biological tissue barriers. In our previous work, we have shown the first tissue-penetrating nanorobots that can magnetically propel through the vitreous of the eye and precisely target at the optic disc of the retina; and an optimized helical microrobot that is able to drill through viscoelastic tissues in the liver and the brain. I will highlight some recent developments on the localization and sensing of the microdevices, and introduce a new kind of microrobots that can collaborate and move payloads that is ten times heavier than an individual robot on the slippery luminal surface of inner organs. The microrobots will lead to many new opportunities for minimally-invasive surgical procedures.
- Links
Letztmalig verändert: 06.02.2024, 07:35:25
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