Complex magnetism in rare earth intermetallics with potential for topological antiferromagnetic spintronics
- Datum
- 20.02.2024
- Zeit
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Sprecher
- Dr. Marein Rahn
- Zugehörigkeit
- TU Dresden
- Sprache
- en
- Hauptthema
- Materialien
- Host
- Grit Rötzer
- Beschreibung
- Eu5In2Sb6 is a member of a family of orthorhombic nonsymmorphic rare-earth intermetallics that combine large localized magnetic moments and itinerant exchange interactions with perpendicular glide planes. These features have been previously proposed as indicators of special topological crystalline or axion insulating phases. We have studied the unusual magnetic ordering process in Eu5In2Sb6 and found a complex noncollinear structure with Ising weak ferromagnetism. Below a re-ordering transition, the material either undergoes magnetic phase separation or forms an arrangement of net-magnetized domains. This poses the question whether and how magnetic domain physics or magnetic phase separation could be used as a means to manipulate topologically protected surface or hinge states. To study such phenomena, experimental information on magnetic symmetry will have to be made accessible with the relevant spatial resolution. Starting from these ideas, I explore the special potential of synchrotron-based techniques and propose to explore a wider range of orthorhombic nonsymmorphic magnets, many of which promise to host similar complex magnetic domain physics. Reference: M. C. Rahn et al., arXiv:2312.15054
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Letztmalig verändert: 20.02.2024, 07:38:07
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