
Internationale Konferenz: Structural Domination

18.09.2023 - 19.09.2023
13:30 - 18:00
Andere Themen
Willkommen, Gesellschaft, Philos., Erzieh., Sprache, Literatur und Kultur

On September 18-19, 2023 the group in practical philosophy at TU Dresden will organize an international conference on Structural Domination.

To attend the conference, please register via Email at: konstanze.moeller-jansen@tu-dresden.de (mailto:konstanze.moeller-jansen@tu-dresden.de)

The keynotes by Philip Pettit and Rainer Forst will be public and don't require registration. More information on the public keynotes (https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/der-bereich/termine/structural-domination)  

TU Dresden // Holzsaal (Zellescher Weg 24) (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/586082024#map=19/51.02778/13.74171) and Cube CCC (Einsteinstraße 12) (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1000046427).

Click here (https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/phil/iphil/ressourcen/bilder/news/fussweg.png) for a detailed map of the locations.

Programme: Find a detailed programme here (https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/phil/iphil/prak/forschung/international-conference-structural-domination)

18 September 2023

  • 13:30 Arrival and Registration
  • 14:00 Welcome Prof. Dr. Tamara Jugov (TU Dresden)
  • 14:15 Keynote Prof. Dr. Dorothea Gädeke (Utrecht University)
  • 15:30 Break
  • 16:00 Panels
  • Panel 1
    • Prof. Dr. Amandine Catala (University of Quebec at Montreal): Epistemic Injustice as Epistemic Domination: A Structural Explanation of Epistemic Agency
    • Sarah-Lea Effert (Universität Duisburg Essen): Structural Domination, Critique, and Civic Virtue
    • Lucas Rijana (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Status and Domination in Neorepublican Theory
  • Panel 2
    • Dr. Naveh Frumer (Tel Aviv University): The Cycle of Dependency and Precarity: Towards a Marxist Theory of Structural Domination
    • Heiner Koch (Universität Duisburg Essen): Non-Republican Structural Domination 
    • Stefano Merlo (University College London): The Eyeball-Test, Collective Capacity and Beliefs Formation in Republican Freedom
  • 17:30 Break
  • 18:00 Keynote Prof. Dr. Philip Pettit (Princeton/ANU): Agential and Structural Domination

19 September 2023

  • 9:00 Arrival
  • 9:30 Keynote Prof. Dr. Laura Valentini/Prof. Dr. Christian List (LMU): Structural Dependence
  • 10:45 Break
  • 11:15 Panels
  • Panel 1
    • Francesca Cesarano (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele): A Defense of Patriarchal Bargains
    • Dr. Daniel James (TU Dresden): White Supremacy as a Racialised Structure of Domination
    • Dr. Antoine Louette (Centre for Social Critique, HU Berlin): “Not Victims”: Sexual Harassment and Resistance after #MeToo
    • Dr. Christian Schemmel (MANCEPT): Social Class, Habitus and Domination
  • Panel 2
    • Luca Hemmerich (TU Darmstadt): Intergenerational Power and Domination
    • Alberto Manuel Hers Martínez (LUISS Guido Carli): Technocratic discourse as cognitive interference in European member-states 
    • Miikka Jaarte (Stanford): Capital Flight and Impersonal Domination 
    • Jingyu Lin (Universität Jena): The Power of the initiative and structural domination of capitalism
  • 13:15 Lunch Break
  • 14:45 Panels
  • Panel 1
    • Hannah McHugh (University College London): Markets, Practices, and Domination
    • Marianna Capasso (Erasmus University Rotterdam): Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. On the Emergence of Vulnerability Classes 
    • Elena Icardi (University of Milan): Structural economic domination: workplace democracy or democracy tout court?
  • Panel 2
    • Melanie Erspamer (LSE): Accountability for structural domination
    • Peter Kerenyi (LSE): Can Structures Dominate? A Reply to Four Objections
    • William Valliere (University of Guelph): What Sort of Things Dominate, Structurally? The Case for (but Really Against) Structural Hierarchies
  • 16:15 Break
  • 16:45 Keynote Prof. Dr. Rainer Forst (Goethe Universität): The Noumenal-Structural Power of Trust. A Critique of Ideologies of the Invisible

[Unfortunately, Keynote by Prof. Dr. Lea Ypi had to be cancelled]

International Call for Papers hier (https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/phil/iphil/ressourcen/dateien/Call-for-papers-structural-domination_Konferenz-TU-Dresden_21_2_23.pdf).


Here you can find useful information on how to reach Dresden by train, plane, or car: https://www.dresden-convention.com/en/dresden/destination-dresden/getting-to-dresden (https://www.dresden-convention.com/en/dresden/destination-dresden/getting-to-dresden)

The main train station of Dresden is 20 minutes by foot, or roughly 15 minutes by public transport from the TU Dresden, where the conference will take place.


Letztmalig verändert: 18.09.2023, 07:36:58




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